Khan academy for basic foundations?

I have used 6 guides of math such as (algebra, geometry etc), as i wanted to cover my basic foundations of math comprehensively.Greg have mentioned khan academy for math basics.
do i need khan academy for basics now?

and also now i have started gregmats 2 month plan.

All basic material are covered in 2 month plan but if you still need something extra than Khan academy is nice too.

I have 1 book named cliffnotes math for standardized tests, do you know anything about it?

Sorry, got no idea about it but you can use most of the math material that is available out there unless it teaching you something crazy like trigonometry or similar stuff!!

Ok.Thankyou. and for vocab which app should i use quizlet or ankiweb? I like quizlet but it does not have spaced repeatition system. Is spaced repeatition system necessary for vocab learning?
and have you given your GRE? what was your score?

I didn’t use any because I am a pen and paper person but you can use whatever you feel like using it, its not much of a big deal.

Yes, I used to revise vocab each day until my test date


Didn’t matter because out of all schools that I applied to, GRE was waived in most of them due to COVID and a small minority that did required it made it optional.

Thankyou. and did you take any notes for quant?

I used to write formulas on whiteboard or important derivations and used to rt what topics/ questions to review again on rough sheet of paper, that’s all.

well now i am more anxious to know your GRE score. by thy way thankyou for support

I want to memorize 30 words per day. I will use flashcards by greg and merriam webster for examplery sentences.But should i write them in my seperate notebook with example sentences? is it effective? wouldn’t it be time consuming?
How did you write them. Did you write meaning, example sentences, synonyms etc in your notebook for each word?

Everyone learn differently , I will encourage you to experiment different ways of mugging up words to see what works best for you.

I write vocab like this. is it a good method. It takes 2 hours. Is it OK. or am i just over doing?