Largest divisor of 3^100 - 3^97

Got this question on my first GRE attempt and it caught me off guard. Anyone know how I’d go about solving this? Probably possible without calculator.


Is your question right ? Because the largest divisor of a number is the number itself. 3^100-3^97 gives some weird number. Maybe ur question was largest prime divisor which is 13 in this case

Hi there,

you might be absolutely right and I just didn’t remember the question correctly.

How did you get to 13 for the largest prime divisor? And how would you go about solving terms like 3^100-3^97 in general? Thank you!

3^100 - 3^97
3^97(3^3 - 1)
3^97 * 26

13*2 = 26 . hence the largest prime divisor is 13