Last Minute Advice

Hi everybody, my GRE is tomorrow morning. Does anyone have any advice on things that I should be focusing on today or anything crucial I should make sure to prepare ?

Hi Iman,

That’s awesome!

So most important things I’d suggest:

  1. Make sure you have your ID and know exactly where your test center is (if you’re doing it at the centre). Plan your route and leave early to avoid any last-minute stress.
  2. Rest well before tomorrow. Relax as much as you can today, and get a full night’s sleep. This is one of the most crucial things.
  3. Remind yourself that you’ve prepared well and are ready to handle the test.

  1. Go over key concepts or formulas, but don’t try to learn anything new. Focus on reviewing what you already know.
  2. If you have the time Do a few timed practice problems to refresh your pacing for both Quant and Verbal, but avoid full-length tests.
  3. Skim through recent mistakes and understand why you got them wrong. Recognizing patterns will help you avoid similar issues during the test.
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Hey, thanks so much ! So do you think that if I’m practicing verbal questions and see a new vocab word, I shouldn’t bother learning it and just revise the mountain and my previous vocab lists ?

Vocabulary is probably the only exception I would make here. As it wouldn’t require much extra effort to learn the word.

The most important thing is that you don’t let it throw you off that you’ve seen a new word. The chances of that singular new word significantly affecting your exam are pretty low.

Yes, that’s what I thought too ! Now just fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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