Lost on TC and SE

im only on day 2 of the 2 month plan and I still don’t comprehend any of the problems for TC and SE, need help understanding better!

If you are having problems understanding the meaning, idea, or grammar behind the problems, then I would suggest improving the fundamentals of English first, and then tackle the problems.

I would also suggest doing some reading and solve basic text comprehension problems (not GRE level), which will help in comprehending what the text is about.

To make it more clearly I just don’t follow the supported or constructed part

It just seems as I can’t get any feedback at all, like I would like to know what am I doing wrong not just seeing him do it

Day 3 & 4 have videos specific to determining support/contrast, titled “Determining Support/Contrast in TC Questions

You can also check this out - Support/Contrast Logic Word List - Google Sheets

As for live feedback, I’m afraid it’s dependent on when the live lectures happen and if they are relevant to what you need.

Hey how do u recommend to improve english fundamentals quick? Any specific resource from where i can, the greg grammar series is too long 16 videos

Honestly, I’m not sure. I Haven’t researched any materials for grammar, etc. I guess YouTube is your best bet, there should be short videos available for specific topics.