Magoosh Vocab vs GregMat Vocab Group


So I have completed the Magoosh Vocab list (I am unsure how much I have retained). I am confused between revising the same list as it sounds more familiar now or starting Gregmat vocab as it seems more manageable. (I would have started it earlier but came across later to gregmat 1 month subscription plan). Now my exam is on 28th Feb. What should I do? I am still scoring poorly on Vocab.

One more thing I want to know is that Gregmat vocab groups are sorted from high-frequency to low-frequency words.

Please someone can reply to this? I need urgent help. I am not aiming for a high verbal score as my major focus is on quant. My target score is 150-155 Verbal.

@ganesh Can you please help?

If you’ve done the entire magoosh list and learned it well that should be fine.

What do you mean by this?

Nope, there’s no special sequence for the groups

Rarely I score 150 in Vocab. My usual score even on Gregmat test too is 146. Issues can be that I haven’t retain much words on which I am planning to revise complete list of Magoosh. To improve my strategies I will follow Gregmat’s videos.

Okay and what about this list “Most Frequent Words from Official Material” of Gregmat. Is it useful? As I saw very basic words here.

Btw how many words approx I should learn to score 150-155. For this target score what should be my approach as I don’t have much time left.