Manhattan 5 lb. Page Comparisons?

Hi Everyone!

I was just wondering if someone could give me some insight on the two-month study plan. I just started the two-month plan and noticed the “Things To Do” section displays the Manhattan 5 lb. book pages from the 3rd edition. I have the 2nd edition and was wondering if anyone knows of a link that displays the page comparisons or something?

On that note, when it says to complete Ch. 13, pg. 443 is this indicating to complete all questions in Ch. 13 or specifically just the page referenced? I feel like if I knew that pg. 443 was the start of the chapter or not it would be intuitive, but again, since I have a different edition I am unsure.

Thanks so much!

I think it just tells you about the page number for the chapter.

You can do them according to the name of the chapter.

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Like akshat said, you can just go by the chapter name. I’m using the 2nd edition and although the page numbers aren’t the same, there has been no issues in terms of missing content or anything of that nature. You’ll be fine :slight_smile:

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Perfect, thank you so much!

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