"Math Strategy" for extreme Problems

In math strategy for contrast you can go in either way it can be positive for negative or a negative extreme for a negative. How do one determine which way to go when options are present for both.

For eg.,
We realized that John was still young and impressionable, but were nevertheless surprised at his _____.
A) naivete
B) obstinateness
C) decisiveness
D) ingenuousness
E) resolve
For positive, decisiveness suits the black cause it is oppositive of impressionable .
For extreme negative, naivete fits the blank.
The answer is naivete

The sentence implies that John is young and impressionable, which means he is easily influenced. The word that best fits the blank and completes the sentence in a logical and coherent manner is naivete , which means a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.

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Decisiveness is not the opposite of impressionable. Being impressionable means being easily influenced or affected, while being decisive means being able to make decisions quickly and firmly. These two traits are not necessarily opposites.

Thankyou, got it.

I just broke down the sentence to

We know john is dumb but we were still surprised by his stupidity.

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This is one of the tricky logical questions. young + “but were nevertheless surprised” hints on the extreme negative. Greg suggests that it’s best to fill the blank yourself first and then go to the options. While reading the sentence I came up with “stupidity” like others and naivete fits best. it goes with the negative logic. the other options don’t make much sense.

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