Meynoush lists for *** Support/ Contrast/ Author's Opinion ***

@mazedulhaque95 I literally went through my lists and I updated them for you. Again, welcome to the family and hope you enjoy your learning process.

@gregmat Please let me know if you want me to change anything on any of those lists, since I gathered them from your classes.

@HoldMyBeer Fang your infangmation! Feel free to share :grin:



@Meynoush in support list, “In fact” might not always be used as support, based on context, can also use it as contrast.

From Collins dictionary

in fact. PHRASE
You use in fact, in actual fact, or in point of fact to introduce or draw attention to a comment that modifies, contradicts, or contrasts with a previous statement.

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Great! Thanks for your attention. Could you please also include an example from Big Book or from ETS materials where “in fact” is a contrast?

I couldn’t find the scenario which I was mentioning, i mean its used in few questions but you could easily guess its contrast as it has words like “but” and otgers. But i found a case which i mentioned above in RC passage, Test 17, Section 2 “Vinaver theory”

Initially the Vinaver theory that Malory’s eight romances, once thought to be fundamentally unified, were in fact eight independent works produced both a sense of relief and an unpleasant shock.

Here you could totally see that its used as contrast without any negative division words like but, nevertheless etc

Like I mentioned its used in both positive and negative contexts. This “in fact” is something where we need to be aware of its context rather than memorization.

Edit: got rid of typo

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Gotcha! I’ll edit that. Thank you again!


In which video does Greg explain about words depicting author’s opinion and show them as examples?