Hi, I am gonna write GRE for the second time and I want to practice tests that are qualitative.Manhattan verbal I find misleading because I believe they focus more on vocabulary rather than logic.So want what you all are practicing…please suggest tests other than powerprep1&2. Also, I have seen some OG test but could not understand what it is though.
Hi, but there are only 2 tests right any other suggestions because most of the questions I still remember…
I am talking about PowerPrepPlus https://ereg.ets.org/ereg/public/testPrep/viewtestPreparation?_p=GRI, they cost $40 each and are one-time usage only but it’s the closest thing that you’re gonna get to actual GRE test
Could you please tell me when to attempt these tests and how to use it productively
Personal choice…
Don’t buy and keep it like a heirloom because they expire in 120 days (or used to in the past) , I personally recommend to buy them with the mindset of giving it on the same day or the next day and then giving yourself at-least 1 week or minimum 3-5 days gap between taking mock test and giving Real GRE exam.
If you’re looking for Expert Opinion then we’ve a Coffee with Vince QandA
session schedule later today. If you plan on joining it then join 15-20 mins earlier before class time and raise your hand(because lot of people want to ask questions) and then you can get Vince’s opinion on it!