Motivation Related

How to stay motivated all the time at the starting of GRE 2 month plan

You can’t and that’s okay. Please take care of yourself. If you’re studying all day, you’re more likely to feel burnt out. Have something that you enjoy on your schedule each day, be it video games or exercise.

I think motivation differs from person to person - it depends on what your goals are, and who you want to be. When you have an ideal version of yourself who you look up to, who you want to become you’re naturally inclined to choose the course of actions that help you become that person. That long term thing is easier said than done, though.
When it comes to GRE prep, though - I think motivation follows action. The more days you get through and the more questions you get right, you’ll feel more excited to improve. Growth itself is an iterative process, where you need to do the same thing before you see results. Greg mentions it in his first strategy video - we often resist changing our habits/approach because the process of changing leads us to initial failure, making us more feel bad. You can look up a lot of similar ideas in self-development, and understanding things better through reflection is a real confidence booster too.
That being said, if you feel a decline in your mental health, feel free to take a break for a few days before continuing. Make time for things you enjoy, be it a sitcom or exercise.
Besides all that, you can join an online community like Discord or Reddit.
Hope this helps. : )

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