Navigating starting GRE studying

What should I do about studying plans (one month plan vs two… or something else) when I have exactly 2 months before my scheduled GRE. I work full time (3x12s on weekends) and am juggling chemistry and stats classes. I do not have time to put in hours everyday just for GRE, but I’m trying to use every spare minute I can. I am feeling beyond overwhelmed (which for me means I shut down). Any tips or suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance :face_with_peeking_eye:

Just follow any of the plans till the diagnostics test (it’s at the end of first week in both the plans!) and based on the results of the diagnostic and the scores that you need, you can skim or even drop some topics!

So I complete week 1 in either plan and then see what areas I need the most work in… but I still don’t really know how to use this program if you aren’t following it day by day as laid out. just randomly view videos corresponding to the areas that I was the worst in?

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At the end of the first week , there is a diagnostic test (ETS Power-prep 1) in both the plans and based on the result of it you can pinpoint the areas which you need to improve upon rather than trying to study everything.