Ria this side, looking for a study buddy. Targeting 330+ in GRE, willing to dedicate 5-6 hours at least per day.
Bad idea. Greg even recently said its a bad idea. I am finishing week 5 on 2 months plan. IMO, Baad idea.
Hey Ria! I can sign up for it. But since I am full time working I can only spare earl mornings or late nights. Though I think doing one month plan would be better option instead of doing two month plan in a month
I was thinking of doing it in 6 weeks i.e. (1.5 months) …1 month would be pretty rushed
Hi Parth! Nice to meet you, sorry missed your reply. Could you maybe share your email or email me at ria00097@gmail.com and we can discuss more?
Hi Aishwarya! Nice to meet you, sorry missed your reply. Could you maybe share your email or email me at ria00097@gmail.com and we can discuss more?