I need to prepare for my TOEFL test, I have few doubts, anyone who has gone through it or knows the answer please comment.
- What is the ideal preparation time required to prepare for TOEFL (I am a working professional so won’t be able to devote much time on weekdays)
- What preparation material to use and how?
- How easy or difficult is it to score 110+ ?
If you’re giving it after your GRE then in my personal opinion 1 week is more then enough!
I personally bought one of the official ETS TOEFL book and just practiced some test to get familiarized with the pattern . And watched some lectures from Greg’s toefl session : https://new.gregmat.com/course/toefl-classes
Depends totally from person to person but its a lot easier than GRE!
Thanks for sharing the info. In the link you provided to Greg’s website it contains too many videos, is there any kind of plan to follow? Where to begin with and what all are essential things to watch/practice.
I mean some sort of a study plan which he had for GRE
Personally, I just bought the latest edition of ETS TOEFL book which was available at the time
→ Got Familiarized with the questions → Attempted 1 practice test → Watched Greg’s videos based on the topics which I needed improvement in → Practiced more test .This whole thing took 4 days then gave TOEFL 2 days later ! (I gave my TOEFL before giving my GRE)
The TOEFL classes link is broken, new link: TOEFL Classes - GregMat
Would you have a link for the ETS TOEFL book pdf? I’ve started GregMat’s dedicated TOEFL classes but am unable to find the resources he’s referring to in the homeworks. Thanks!