Need help to improve my score from 298

So, I gave GRE at test Center and got a score of 298(150 Q and 148V) . Yea obviously not the kind of score I expected since my score was above 310+ in mocks. Yes, I gave it again at home , guess what again the same score. I felt pretty much so devastated . No idea where it went wrong and so I am here . Do any of you want to give me suggests ? like how I can improve my score . I am fine with a score anything about 310. Do help me out .

The mocks I took are - Princeton review, ETS Power prep, Mahattan and kaplan. The average was always 308+.

The problem is I am consistent in any particular topic. Sometimes I ace one section and the next time I mess up. I am good with quant an average level though I can improve if anything needs to be done. I want to focus more on verbal but no matter what i do my score isn’t improving in verbal.

Please Help me out.

Do you have your Diagnostic Report ?

Actually I dont have it right now but then if I remember it correctly it did show me where I went wrong when I tried giving another test I was good in that particular area. So I am not being consistent since I get good and bad . Do u think I should practice more to be more consistent? can u suggest some for doing well in verbal though especially the RC and SE , even though I went through all the Gregmat vocab words and few other like Magoosh , I wasn’t able to do well in them.

This doesn’t mean that you remembered every word’s meaning or it’s usage, this just implies that you seen the word before !

Review + timed and un-timed practice. For RC’s use BigBook + official material . As for SE, do vocab!!
I will advice to start with the 1 month or 2 months plan .

I already started with one month plan, lets see how it goes. Thanks for the help

hey can give me the discord link or where can I
get the link to join gregmat server?

Official Discord is closed!