Hi peeps!
Need some guidance for my prep and whether I’m setting a realistic goal or not.
I gave my first GRE about 6 months ago and scored a 317(159Q 158V) but could not get into my dream school coz of my apparent lack of “real-world experience in a corporate environment”.
So I did what any sane person would do,and went ahead and got myself a job.
6 months in ,I asked the admission dept if my profile now suits their criterion and they said YES,provided I increase my GRE score to 325+
So I began my tryst with the 2 month plan and gave my first diagnostic test today(As mandated my Greg’s plan ) today scoring 319(158Q 161V)
Given that I have 3 months before my deadline and roughly 7weeks of the plan still to conquer,is scoring in excess of 325+ feasible?