Note feature for error logging in problems

Hi @gregmat @Leaderboard @HoldMyBeer
Can We have note feature, like the one in GMAT club , where I could just write what I did wrong so that While revising error, I could simply check what I did wrong. Currently for error tracking, I need to separately write them on notebook. Not very effective while revising , I may not not see exact context as I do not write the question for which I did wrong, just my mistake so.

Please see if note feature gets added in problems on gregmat

I’m not sure what the “note” feature is in GMATClub - share some screenshots.

note feature

After clicking “ADD NOTE” a window will pop up where you could write if anything as what you misunderstood and later on while reviewing the wrong answers you know what mistakes , you committed in past.

In gregmat question for example, the questions that are wrong, will appear as ATTEMPTED, but I have to either write somewhere else what I did wrong or or just check it again. There is no way of tracking the error

Interesting feature. I’ll look into it.