One Month Plan GRE Big Book solutions walkthrough

I was wondering if there was a walkthrough for only the problems Greg assigned to us from the Big Book in the one month plan. I noticed that he has provided the videos for the first two days but it isn’t there from the 3rd onwards for the most part.
Any help is appreciated.

First, No"to"( :stuck_out_tongue:) . Second, in announcement, he said that BigBook walkthrough video series is taken down for 14 days due to some proactive consideration.

The Big Book ones are still around for a few more days: Old GRE Walkthroughs - GregMat

Is ‘assigned to’ grammatically incorrect?!
When would the BigBook walkthrough videos be uploaded back up again? Referring specifically to the problems given to be solved in the one month plan.

What can I refer to once these are taken down? I have my GRE next month and I would really want these to stay up.

The Big Book videos for the 1 and 2 month plans are unaffected.

Yes, mate. My profs always say, I gonna assign you hw. not I gonna assign to you hw.

That’s the question here. I am not finding any answer solution walkthroughs for the big book problems assigned us. They are present on day 1 and day 2 but not much after that.

I just checked and the solutions videos are present!!

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