Organize essays - What to do?

Hi, I am on week 4 of the 2 month GRE plan on Gregmat plus. Today’s assignments contain a task saying I need to pick 5 random essays and organize them. Can anyone please help me understand what exactly is to be done here? I watched the video on essay structure and have a basic idea of how to structure my essay.

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As soon as you click the video one of the very first words that you’ll hear is organization

Thanks @HoldMyBeer. I watched the video, but what exactly do I need to do as the task? Do I need to actually write out the entire essays or just structure the points/examples?

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Hi does anyone have an answer to this question?

You have to do this


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So the point of organising is to practice finding good points or is it to practice writing with a good vocabulary? Because if we’re doing both, then how is that different from writing the whole essay? Basically, in a nutshell, my question is: While ‘organising’ an essay(not ‘writing’ it), what can we skip doing, that we would have to do while ‘writing’ it?

In GRE , your typical essay length should be around 500-600 words. The organization above is about 120 words. We organize essay in general to create a blueprint on which we will further elaborate and it is done so that we don’t deter from the topic and only write what’s asked.

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