Pairing (SE) scoring mechanism

Can someone explain to me what’s the purpose of getting points in this practice skill? Seems to me like regardless whether I miss a pair or choose a pair incorrectly, my percentage correct goes down by the same amount. At which point I really don’t care about how many points I have because it’s not as indicative of my performance…

In case anyone would like to see what I’m talking about, see the image below. I got one pair right, and missed a pair for a total of 1/2 points. However my total score is still 0 and the percentage is somehow still 0 out of 2 correct.

What happens to the score when you click to the second question?

Hi Ganesh,
Please see the progression below:

Question 1, 1/2 correct, Score at 0

Question 2, unanswered, Score still at 0

Question 2, answered, Score still 0, should be 2/5

Question 3 answered completely correctly, score should be 4/7, somehow only 1/7

Question 4, answered completely correctly, score should be 7/10, somehow 4/7

Question 5, I got one right, one wrong. Score went DOWN regardless of the 0/2

Thanks, we’ll check this out

Thanks so much!! Drives me nuts lol.