Payment Failed

Hey! I had an issue with my payment. For some reason it failed. Now it shows that my subscription is active till next month but the payment failed. I entered the card details again but nothing has been deducted from my account and hence I can’t access the material. My GRE is really close and I need the material. Is there a way to force the subscription to charge the card?

I have already mailed the issue to
Kindly help

You need to talk with your blank , sometimes they block the international transaction until you call them .

I have already paid for the subscription using this card multiple times before. This happened once before and it was resolved when I entered the details again. The issue now is the website will try charging the card after some time. But I don’t know how much time. So I just wanted to check if there is any way to make them charge your card :confused:

The problem is that the RBI introduce new laws for recurring transactions and it give rise to the issue that you’re facing. Calling your blank and giving them the go-ahead with your transaction will in most cases resolve this issue.


Ohh alright I got it. However, I really need only another month’s subscription as I will be done with my GRE. So i don’t really need a recurring payment. Just need it to debit one more time. It says it will retry but I’m just not sure after how much time. I have already updated the payment method.


Try to buy 1 month from this link and use the discount code that is mentioned in the description

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I have already subscribed for the plan using another Email ID. Thank you for your help!