Post your general GRE Quant questions, concerns, comments here.
- Put a spoiler tag before you post any PowerPrep questions. You can put it on the title. For example: [PowerPrep+ Question].
- Mention the source of the question (eg: from the ETS website?)
- If you see a stolen question is posted or PP+ question without a spoiler tag, flag the post, or alternatively you can private message Greg or admin.
- If you are unable to write a post on this category, send a message to admin.
- Do NOT discuss questions from or any Chinese site.
A couple of extra notes now that the problem solving feature has arrived:
- Please copy the question (feel free to add a screenshot) to your topic - this helps the searching functionality since Discourse cannot read images. Add a link to the question if it’s public or a GregMAT problem.
- Please make an effort to search before posting a new topic - it’s likely that your question would have been answered already. If you find an existing topic, reply to that instead of creating a new one. If you cannot find an existing topic for the question, creating a new topic is fine.