Positive Root vs. Negative Root

Hey all!

I’m super confused when to consider a positive root on GRE vs. when to consider both negative and positive roots.

Some books mention that when ETS explicitly gives a (root) symbol, we only take positive root. If, however, you encounter square root whilst you solve a problem, you consider both.

But in a couple of Gregmat questions, I had to only consider positive root for the latter condition as well.

Can someone clarify this for me with an example. Much appreciated!

hey man as far as i know and gre even clarify in his video
IF we have to conside the root result as negative they will give it


thats will be -7

in other case like

√25 = 5, √36=6

here no negative value
to make neagtive they put negative(-ve) sign before the root

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Hi, always take both the roots because ideally both the roots satisfy the values…

If suppose its mentioned a>0 and a^2=36…then obviously you cannot take a as -6 (the -ve root).

However for convention (doesn’t work in the GRE though) we take the positive root. In case of quadratics always take both the roots.

Hope this helps.

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