PP1 and PP2 Accuracy?

Just wanted to gut check some recent test takers to see their thoughts on how the free ETS PP tests compared to their actual GRE?

I’ve been studying using Greg’s 1 month plan + prepswift at a bit of a slower pace for around 6 weeks now (minus taking PP1 after week 1) and just completed both PP exams with very similar results:

PP1: 158V, 169Q
PP2: 157V, 169Q

Would love to hear some recent feedback on how actual tests compared to these

I find my official result very close to the mean of all the PP and 2 PP+ that I gave. Maybe someone who has only given PP and taken the test can give a better viewpoint on this.

Just took PP+1 and got a 155V, 169Q

Stayed the same on Quant but dipped a bit in Verbal