Indicate the source (which website did you take it from?).
if we take the lowest amount of the sides that’s made out to be the lowest area of the tile and whenever we took the highest values in these sides made out to be the maximum area of the tile, vice versa. so the question tells us to compute the top surface of the tile and that surface area must be in between the minimum and maximum range of the top surface area which is 1/12<area<1/4 (square feet).
in that sense, the answer would be A, B.
from persian website
so it should be less than 1/12 and 1/4 gotcha, i solved it till here i got 1/12 and 1/4 but i was confused by looking at the options
Which Persian website?
man its weirdly named i dont even know how to read it … i just go this question any how
Link to it.