Practice test free resources?

I have the official Guide to GRE pack of 3 books. In that one of them is a book for general test in which there are 2 tests in the book and they are offering 2 simulated computer delivered POWERPREP online practice tests. Other than this I guess there is 1 free test on official ETS website. Are there any other tests that I can take or some tests which Greg might have mentioned? I don’t want to take that $40 mock tests. If there are any tests that you know about, I would appreciate if you could share that with me.

The free tests other than ETS are not good because they don’t write/provide the question in a way like ETS folks does and are only good if you just want to improve your habit of sitting for 4hrs continuous in my personal opinion. Also, Greg only recommends ETS tests

Alright! Thanks.