I don’t understand how 15 can be a remainder for this question. I could only find 25 as the remainder from the answer choices. Can someone please make me understand?
Please share your logic/steps
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3.625 = 3625/1000 (Remainder 625, not an option)
I simplified the fraction into -
725/200 (Remainder 125, not an option)
Simplified fraction further -
145/40 (Remainder 25, given in option, got that answer)
29/8 (Remainder 5, not an option). So how is the option 15 correct?
3.625 = 3 + \frac{625}{1000} = 3 + \frac 58. In this case, the remainder would be 5.
However, we could rewrite this as:
3 + \frac{5n}{8n} for n in \mathbb{Z} hence any multiple of 5 would work.
I think that’s what the question is going for.
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Wow! I did not think of that. Thank you for helping me understand!