Problem in TC

I did try to answer it to the best of my knowledge of strategies but literally couldn’t get it when I saw the actual answer choices.

Can you check if the answer is C + D? I can walk you through my reasoning then

Yeah that’s right. But How??

Apply the math strategy here. Hone in on the “but” and notice the relationship between the blanks would be opposite.

They want blank. And then when they get that blank, they feel something is missing. Perhaps, they feel uncomfortable in a world where nothing discernible is opposite of blank

Find an antonym pair from the answers. I chose C and D.

Oh okay. I was concerned about how “nothing discernible” related to blank 2?

Consider them fillers

Alright thanks :+1:

First blank is easier IMO.
Use math strategy:

(_________) but (something missing)

What would be the opposite of “something missing”? “Perfect” right?

(perfection) but (something missing)
perfection = flawlessness

And after the first sentence there is a semicolon, so it should support the idea.

Certain music lovers have a thirst for perfect music, but when it is achieved, they still feel that it is not perfect; perhaps they live in a world where nothing discernible is flawed–everything is perfect. And perhaps that makes them uncomfortable.

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Yeah, I think I need to improve my application of the math strategy. Thanks a lot