Program Changes Feedback

Wanted to give some feedback on the changes I noticed to the 2 and 1 month programs.

  1. Really like PrepSwift integration, especially in the redesigned 1 month program. Honestly feels very comprehensive but not overwhelming. However, I wish there was a PrepSwift “chapter” or “unit” test for students to make sure they absorbed the material covered in those segments.
  2. Vocab Mountain integration in the 2 month program feels iffy? It’s brutal to do after the first half, it just feels very monotonous, especially after a few hours of studying the other material. Some students may love it, but I’d wager a decent amount feel the way I do. Here’s an alternative to suggest at the start of the program, for students who don’t want to do the Vocab Mountain. Build an Anki deck with the words and their definitions, and allow students to download that. That way they can use spaced repetition to learn, which feels less monotonous while still covering the same material in the 2 month program.


Thanks for the feedback! If the vocab mountain is done correctly, even in the later groups it only takes 30 minutes. If you allot one minute per column, you can get through 30 columns in 30 minutes.

Thanks for taking a look. I agree that the mountain may only take 30 minutes, but it’s a very tedious 30 minutes IMO. My point wasn’t about it taking too much time, more that doing it feels very unrewarding to me (and potentially others), which is why I suggested an alternative besides repeating the Quizlet flashcards (the old method on the 2 month program).

It’s tedious for sure. It’s the way that I remember the words though, so I find it helpful. Basically a brute force approach – don’t even give your brain an opportunity to forget them.

I’ve heard good things about Anki as well