Hi Guys,
I have thoroughly completed the one month plan from Greg (it took me around 5-6 weeks). I have no prior exposure to the GRE and this is my first time studying for it.
I’m already working on completing all ETS questions (review guide and math and verbal practice books) and I have completed Greg’s homework questions from one month plan.
What do you suggest I tackle next? I really need some structure to be able to prepare and feeling very lost in the pool of resources/advice available.
@HoldMyBeer hoping you can help with this
I mean if you’ve already completed the plan then it’s time to give the real test!
I don’t feel ready
I think I need a lot more practice so I can apply the strategies Greg taught us. Also the plan moved from one strategy/quant topic to the next. While I have solved those questions/homework in isolation I think I need more practice of whole papers.
I plan to take powerprep 1 and 2 slightly closer to my exam but what structure can I follow till then?
Another thing that I am really struggling with is time-management (especially in quant)
What do you suggest?
Did you gave PP1 as diagnostic and then PP2 at the end of the plan ?
Yes I gave the PP1 as diagnostic after week 1 but I’m saving the PP2. Greg mentioned that should save the PP2 in case we have to take the exam again.
Though he did say I should take the ETS guide practice test at the end of one month plan. Was saving that for closer to the exam date as well.
In my opinion , you should give PP2… because people always thinks if only they had some more time to prep. they will raise there scores and thus, get stuck in the preparation mode forever.
Only waste time on GRE if you’re 100% sure that it’s the only deal breaker b/w you and the choice of your school.(Don’t assume it is, only do so if there is a evidence supporting that you’re require ‘xxx’ GRE score to apply etc…)