Quant Difficulty Levels in GregMat's Portal

Hey there friends, I’m sorry if I’m posting in the wrong channel but this question is specific to Quant so I’m posting here:

How do the difficulty levels in GregMat’s Quant Problem Solving portal map to the ETS 1-5 difficulty levels? I.e. if I filter for level ‘Hard’ in GregMat’s portal, am I getting only 5’s, or 4s and 5s? Thanks so much, knowing this will help me be sure to drill enough of each difficulty level and feel confident going into attempt #2.

ETS just don’t have enough higher difficulty questions for us to solve. The alternative is that we have to make our own questions(3rd party). The problem : we can’t say for sure that they represent the actual difficulty level of the test . Thus to each his own.

Thanks for your response but I’m still confused. I’m just trying to understand how the GregMat difficulty levels map up to the ETS levels. For example:

ETS Levels 1+2 = GregMat ‘Easy’
ETS Level 3+4 = GregMat Medium
ETS Level 5 = GregMat Hard

Is that correct? Who might know for certain? @gregmat1?

The levels are decided by how the population has performed on those questions. For eg: when Greg’s upload a new question it is labeled as TBD. Now, after a certain number of people has solved the question and depending on how they well they have done , the question percentages are shown. Now, Greg has set certain tags for questions falling in various percentages i.e. less than 20% are extreme then 20% to 40% hard , 41-60% medium and 61% to 100% easy