Quant Flashcard vs. Quant Mountain for reviewing

Hi, I just finished going through the Quant videos in Prepswift and am in memorizing/practicising phase for the next 2 weeks. As I’m starting to review, wanted to ask for people’s thoughts on whether Quant Mountain or Quant flashcards are more effective for memorizing. I find the Mount somewhat effective but honestly quite tedious and time consuming, esp when I feel like I need to be practicing with more problems… but the flashcards don’t really “test” your memorization level. If anyone has any thoughts or helpful tips would appreciate it!

What I recommend is reviewing the flashcards first and then testing yourself for the relevant group on the Quant Mountain.

For example:

  • Look at Group 1 Flashcards
  • Test yourself with Group 1 of the Quant Mountain.

Good idea! Thanks for the tip.