Quant Practice Guidance

Hi all,

Can anybody guide me from where should I practice quant questions. Are the questions provided in the portal of same difficulty as those that I can expect in the new GRE?
I did some practice from Manhattan and the questions there were simpler as compared to those that are here. Please help!

Regarding difficulty, be aware that GregMat Hard questions and up (I think even some medium) can be more in depth or harder than on the real exam. But all the concepts will line up. The most accurate level of difficulty will come from experience with ETS practice tests and mixed problem sets.

Here are some places to practice quant:

  1. Homework in 1 month/2 month plan, etc. This HW will build on whatever lecture you watch.
  2. Gregmat Quant questions: click practice → quant problems, then sort by topic and difficulty.
  3. The three official ETS study books (see 1 month plan for details)
  4. Manhattan 5 lb book
  5. Old GRE big book containing like 25+ old full length tests. Same content and difficulty, but in the old format.
  6. Any other test prep book like princeton review or something