Hey need help to understand the question this is a numeric value answer question, how do we approach this?
In an election, a candidate currently has three support votes and three oppose votes. The rules of the election stipulate that a candidate must get at least 75% of the total number of votes to win the election. If two more oppose votes are tallied, at least how many more support votes must the candidate receive to be elected?
3 in Support and 3 in Opposition —> 50% votes in each case
Now, support = 3 , but Opposition = 5 . Support = 3/8 or 37.5%
Need to add people so support vote increase from 37.5% to 75%
I think you can solve from here.
Answer : add 12 more people to support so fraction becomes 15 /20 or 75 %
how did you figure out the 12 no. of people part?
3+x/8+x = 3/4
Numerator: Number of Support Candidates
Denominator : Total Number of Candidates
3/4 on R.H.S is 75%
Solve for x.
great!! thanks