Quant question Breakup

What is the topic-wise breakup of the quant question?

For example, I know- Data is 15 out of 40. & 6 of them are charts.
Probability & P&C is 0 to 1.

What about other topics?

I don’t think there is an absolute answer to this question, and personally, until ETS officially starts providing weightage for topics, I tend to stay away from assuming any particular distribution myself. For example, if you receive 5 probability questions and 5 permutations and combinations (P&C) questions in your GRE test, you can’t complain that you were only expecting 0 or 1 question from that topic because the trend suggested it.

Instead, I prefer to follow an approach of dividing the topics based on my strengths and weaknesses, determined by the tests I have taken, and then work from there.

But this is my opinion, and it’s possible that someone may have a different perspective on the matter.
for eg: Magoosh provided a frequency distribution of topics : link

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