Hello, I’ve been using Prepswift but the quizzes are always hard to solve or require more background knowledge and I get confused by the solutions. I don’t know if anyone else is having problems with this or struggling to solve gregmat quant practice questions. I’m studying and putting in the work but these questions as well as the actual ETS questions are hard. I’m getting very frustrated because I’ve been studying for two months and it feels like I’m not progressing.
That’s not how PrepSwift quizzes are designed; we are quite careful not to introduce material in the questions that you may not have covered.
Can you give some examples? If you’re confused with a particular solution, please post them here; it could well be the case that you’re not the only one with that doubt, which means that we can improve the solution as a result.
Yeah, our problems are a bit on the harder side. We’re working to address this in our practice exams (coming out shortly).
Hi Greg,
does that mean that the quant questions in the website(Mini Exams etc) are harder than the actual GRE?
Overall, yes. See Full Quant/Verbal Sections FAQ | Greg Mat+ Helpdesk
But we have a ton of easy and medium questions on the site as well.
Yes, but are the harder questions on the GRE the same level as the ones in the GREMAT website or a notch easier ?
Thanks for your response Greg. I understand and will continue studying. I was stressed over a couple questions and just needed to rant .