Quant- Verbal Quizes

I wanted to estimate a score for myself on real GRE based on the mini quizes and verbal-quant quizes. Is there any score range on these tests that correspond to the real exam?

The last two full quant quizzes have grades in it - have you checked?

Haven’t done those yet but otherwise I was looking for a fair ballpark for all these tests in comparison to the real exam.

I would recommend doing one of those tests.

Alternatively: what were you scores on the other tests? Share a screenshot of your quiz data page (Home - GregMat - GregMat).


P.S.- The number of attempts is a glitch. These were all one attempt only.
On Verbal so far I have only given 2- the average for both was only 40%

Your scores are generally around the mean (or slightly above), with a couple of poor scores.

Now, what we do have is your score on Full Quant Section #8 (one of the two quant sections with grade data), which is pretty poor (notice that it’s like a D grade performance). I also pulled up your full answer history for #8 - you did well on the lower-difficulty questions (such as what we call as the “gimmes”), while most of the medium-difficulty questions seemed to be a struggle for you, and the harder questions were often left blank (which you should never do BTW). This is consistent with what I’d consider a D grade candidate.

As a result, I think you’re somewhere in the high 140s judging only from the performance of Full Quant Section #8, and somewhere in the 150s looking at the others, as you did better on them.

Much more important are your performance in ETS PowerPrep tests - that’s much more reliable than the crude estimate I gave above.

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