Question about HW Test 2 TC Walkthrough Video

Because they had various meanings in nineteenth-century biological thought, “mechanism” and
“vitalism” ought not to be considered (i) ___________ terms; thus, I find the recent insistence that the
terms had single definitions to be entirely (ii) ________

univocal… erroneous
multifaceted vapid

I chose the multifaceted … Vapid, since I took as they are not considered multifaceted, as in they are univocal or single. As in I do not consider this question hard, meaning I consider it as easy.
So if I chose univocal or single, this means that “not conisdered to be univocal” which means it is multifaceted.

Can you pls explain why we chose univocal?

“multifaceted” actually means having many different aspects or features, which is the opposite of “univocal”. The sentence states that ‘mechanism’ and ‘vitalism’ had various meanings in the past, so they should not be considered as having a single, unambiguous meaning. Therefore, “univocal” fits better in the first blank.

“vapid” means offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging. In the context of the sentence, the author is criticizing the recent insistence that these terms had single definitions, so a word that conveys a sense of being incorrect or misguided, like “erroneous”, would fit better in the second blank

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