Question from Gregmat+ quant problems

Hi everyone,

I have a question related to the above quant problem. @gregmat has uploaded a video explaining why the two quantities (A and B) is not be equal to each other.
However is it wrong to assume a case where all of the 6 pots have a volume of 5 litres ?. In such a case wouldn’t SD be 0 ?

That would be one of the cases
You can take another case, where you have 5,5,5,5,5,15
One case equal, one case not equal, ans. D

Doesn’t ranging from 5to15 liters mean at least one have to be 5 and another is 15? I’m not sure.

If sd is not 0, then Quantity A would be more than B right? because subtracting from all number within the set does not change sd, while multiplying by 0.95 would reduce it?

And you’re right, and I’ve fixed the question as a result.

Sorry, I was wrong. Greg’s right, and I’ve fixed it. The problem is that “ranging” excludes the case for the S.D to be 0.

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Thank you

Yes, ranging from 5-15 means at least one of the pots has to be 15, so the standard deviation cannot be zero


Ahh alright. Thanks