Question from Group 4 Vocab Quiz

Hi everyone! Sorry if this has been asked before but I’m having a bit of trouble understanding why we might prefer the answer “standard” to "conventional in the Group 4 Vocabulary Quiz. It seemed to me that “conventional” could potentially work, given that Google defines it as “based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed.” In other words, if something paradigmatic serves “as a typical example of something,” could something paradigmatic not be an example in accordance to convention? Appreciate any thoughts/help on this one!

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I too think both D and E can work as a synonym for paradigmatic.

Any thoughts ? @admin_gregmat

Yeah, you’re right. Standard and conventional work. But I think Greg argues that standard is better than conventional. Good catch though! @pranavb @HoldMyBeer

I think that ‘standard’ is a better fit for ‘paradigmatic’. If you consider the phrase, “Apple has set a standard in giving more control of privacy to the users”, it means that it has set an example that others ought to imitate. But if you consider the phrase, “Apple followed convention by hiding most of the privacy controls away from the users”, it means that it just did what others were also doing in the industry and did not set an example by doing something different. Hope this helps.

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