Question from Official Guide Practice Test

Average of any 2 chords of a circle would be less than the diameter of that circle.
How is the correct answer option A and not option B?

Because AB is the diameter of the circle, which means that AC < AB and AD < AB. The mean is (AC + AD)/2, not (AC + AD)

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why is the mean (AC+AB)/2? isn’t it supposed to be (AC + AD)/2?

Typo, fixed.

If AC < AB and AD < AB shouldn’t (AC+AD)/2 be less than AB? The average of the 2 smaller values can’t add up to AB. Which means the answer would be B still. Anything I’m missing?

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So, it seems that the quantities were reversed - answer is B indeed and not A. See AB is a diameter of the circle above. : Quantitative Comparison Questions