Question regarding line or linear function

how do we move a linear function up and right at the same time

If you are talking about moving a line while maintaining the same slope, you don’t need to move the function in two directions, you can just move it up or down (just one direction) and achieve whatever you are looking for. Can illustrate what you are looking for?

i was thinking like if there is a line for example y=10x+40 and we want to move two unites to the right and four unites up while maintaining the same slope but i think it is impossible i can we wrong though

Moving 2 units to right and then 4 to the left is the same as moving 2 units to the left, isn’t it? The two operations can be reduced to a single operation.

Oh sorry it was a typo what I was trying to say is 4 unites up

Yea I guessed… But here’s a fun experiment. Try it yourself, moving a line 2 units to the right and 4 units upwards can still be further reduced into just one operation (and I don’t mean moving it diagonally). You can achieve it by using only one of the following operations → up/down/right/left. Maybe do it on a paper and let me know :wink: