Re-taking ETS GRE Practice Exams

Hey everyone! I took the previous long GRE in early September. I got ideal scores for both analytical writing and verbal, but I did not do well enough on quantitative, so I am retaking the GRE in roughly 2 weeks, and I am currently starting Week 3 of the 1-Month Study plan. Before taking the GRE in September, I already took the following practice exams:
Powerprep Online Practice Test 1
Powerprep Plus Practice Test 1
Powerprep Online Practice Test 2
Powerprep Plus Practice Test 2

I would like to take another practice exam to get used to the format of the new short GRE before my exam on 11/19, but I am unsure of how I should approach this because currently the only available practice exams for the shorter GRE, POWERPREP® Online - Practice Test 1 for the Shorter GRE, and POWERPREP PLUS® Online - Practice Test 2 for the Shorter GRE, re-use questions from the previous long versions of the practice exams, both of which I have already taken.

Currently, I am open to taking the Powerprep Plus Practice Test 3, but I’m not sure if it would be of much help for getting used to the timing and format of the shorter GRE since it simulates the long GRE. I also have The Official Guide to the GRE General Test which includes two paper-based practice tests, but they also simulate the long GRE. Maybe I could do only a portion of the questions for each section of the paper-based practice tests and skip the argument essay to get the feel of the shorter GRE?

Alternatively, what do you guys think if I take POWERPREP® Online - Practice Test 1 for the Shorter GRE, since I took Powerprep Online Practice Test 1 more than a year ago? I know the results will probably be skewed since I have already seen the questions, but do you think it will hurt if I am mainly aiming to get accustomed to the format of the shorter GRE?

Sorry about the long post, but my situation is quite complicated so I wanted to give proper context! But I think that it could help others who are in similar situations.