I want to know the meaning of the following sentence. "Her playing was Romantic, but it was at least as close in spirit to the style of playing intended by composers of the Baroque (1600–1750) and Classical (1750–1830) eras, as have been the more exacting but less emotionally resonant interpretations of most
harpsichordists since Landowska. "
Can Someone paraphrase this for me? Or break it down to understand clearly.
“Romantic” in this context infers a tendency for emotional, expression, and intense feeling rather than characteristics like technique, precision, or even meticulousness.
Having a Romantic style would, by definition, take the performer away from how the composers wrote the piece originally because it’s something that denotes that the performer has included their personal expression.
This passage is trying to emphasize that though Lando did this she was able to maintain the integrity of how it was originally written – a rare ability.