Remainder when 32^32^32 is divided by 7

In the above question, the number given is 32^32^32 which is 32^(32^32) and not (32^32)^32 which is 32^(32x32). These two numbers are different, right?
However, the question is solved here considering the latter number. Wouldn’t we get a different answer considering it is 32^32^32? If yes, how would we go about solving it?

Thanks in advance!

32^32^32 = (32^32)^32

I had this thought based on this video from PrepSwift: ( - I’m sorry, I am unable to copy a link for the exact video, but it is a free one titled ‘Two Nasty Exponent Mistakes’. From 1:50 onwards, Greg talks about the difference between the two as I stated above. Since there are no parantheses, would we not assume it is 32^(32^32)?

Not really, no. You normally go left to right. So we first find 32^32, and then raise that to the power of 32.

If the problem is to find 32^(32^32), this will be made explicit.

Alright, thanks a lot!

please i dont seem to be able to watch the videos on the greg mat site or prep swift