Hello all,
The last time I took the GRE was about 14 months ago. I got 157Q 169V. The truth is, I hardly worked for the V scores, I am just fortunate to be good at it. By contrast, I worked my ass off for the Q and found that a really poor return on the investment I made. I had to take time out to address some important things and honestly, I was pretty burned out and dissapointed. I considered giving up and have delayed coming back to the test ever since.
Looking back, I think I was working hard and not smart. This is a pretty common theme in my life and I am determined to not make the same mistake again. I used Target Test Prep and completed the entire math section, sinking hundreds of hours in. Some problems I know I had were (a) not keeping a good error log and (b) the program being so long that I had forgotten earlier material by test day. I also do not think their questions map particularly well onto ETS and they are light on strategies and techniques (taking a pure math approcah to things when sometimes there are ways to make the questions easier). But I could have worked that out had I spent any time at all on r/GRE or here. This was my fault and I take responsibility for it. I also think if I had kept a better error log and gone back to revisit earlier material, their course would have been fine.
I do not want to make the same mistakes again. Some things I know I need to do are
(1) Learn my times tables by heart as this speeds up calculations
(2) Improve my fundemental knowledge
(3) Keep a very detailed error log and revisit it every couple of days or so
(4) Constantly revise earlier materials (I would love advice on how to organise this - e.g., how often).
I have some questions.
First off - is improving my quant score even possible? I feel like I threw the kitchen sink at it last time and performed far below the programs I am interested would like. At an absolute minimum, I need 161Q and realistically, 165Q to distinguish myself. Is going from 157 to 161-165 actually possible? Has anyone here done it? I do not know anyone in real life who has taken the GRE and so I have no real data on this beyond “articles” on the internet that all conveniently end with a sales link. I am skepical, and if it cannot be done, I would prefer to give up now rather than invest hundreds of further hours.
Next - scheduling. I watched the intro video today where the idea of a personalised plan came up. I think it is pretty clear that Quant needs to be my focus but I also have a job and am doing research. Time is limited. How can I adapt the GregMat 2 month plan to say 3 hours a day? I do not have a set date for my test yet, it could be as late as July if needed. I just want to go in knowing I did the best I could and I do not mind how long that takes.
Last - how do I work smarter? Given that I need improve my foundation for sure (or develop a new one after 14 months off realistically), it seems like going through the GregMat 2 month plan is sensible. But I am also worried I will just default to “completing” the work without thinking it through. I have done this before! Does anyone have tips on how to work out an error log/how and when to revisit topics etc. How much time should be spent moving forward vs. checking I can still do something I learned a way back?
Thanks very much for reading and I appreciate any and all replies.