Yesterday I gave the powerprep and noticed at the end it had the score report or cancel button what does it do? What happens if I press cancel ?
ETS will not record your score and it’ll never know that you gave the test
Same will happen if you choose to cancel your score in the real GRE
So, I have to click on report then they tell me to give name of universities?
Wait, do I have to give a list of universities on the actual exam or can I do that later?
You can do it later but its $27 for each university
Right after your GRE, you can send your scores to 4 universities for free.
You’ll have to remember those universities though, as they don’t allow to check any list or anything at the centres.
They do give you a list of universities - you only need to know the universities, not their codes.
Like after the exam, do they give us a list of universities with their names and their respective number codes ?
Yep but some universities have programs listed right?
So for those universities, it’s better to know the codes for your specific program