Should I buy the GMAT official guide or the GMAT Quantitative Review (or both?)

Hi all!

I’m just “shooting for the moon” as Greg puts it, and am wondering if its worth buying both the official guide and quantitative review GMAT books. Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated!

Side question: is there any benefit to buying the 2021 edition rather than, say, the 2019?

Thanks so much!

Edit: just to clarify, I am indeed taking the GRE, but know that GMAT questions are generally harder and I’m looking to push myself

Imo you don’t need to buy any books. You can find the PDF online easily.

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GMAT guides get updated each year unlike ETS material. Also, what you can do is buy only the GMAT OG first and if you got time after solving it then you can buy the quantitive review guide. In my opinion ETS gre og + verbal practice + quantative practice + Big Book + gmat og/manhattan 5lb are way beyond enough material prepare.

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