Should I memorize vocabulary before working on the 2-month plan?

Hello, I’ve recently started studying for the GRE. Last week, I took a diagnostic exam before doing any test prep(I didn’t know GregMAT existed), and got a V156 / Q166 on ETS PowerPrep I.
On the Verbal Section, I got 3/12 correct on TC, 5/8 correct on SE, and 18/20 correct on RC. So clearly, my vocabulary is very weak.
I just finished the first week of GregMAT’s 2-month plan, and I find the lecture videos instructive and helpful. However, since I don’t know most GRE vocab (I just finished list #10), I am terrible at applying the pairing strategy for SE, and I often don’t know what the words in the answer choices mean. So, I feel like I’m wasting study prep material.
I’m considering memorizing all 900 words before going back to the 2-month plan. Do you think it’s a good strategy?

I believe the 2-month plan includes building up your vocab. Greg organized the vocab into Group of 28 I think, and the plan instructs you to go over the vocab from group 1 and build up to group 28 as you follow the plan. Since it’s a lot of work to memorize 900 words at once, I recommend learning the vocab at the same time you follow the 2-month plan.

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