Can anyone explain why identifying function(simplifying on steroids) is as important a skill as Greg says it is?
I’m currently doing RC passages and it seems like this particular skill isn’t helping me as such.
I believe in Greg so I’m sure there must be some solid reasons as to why he advocates it, especially in long RC.
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Many ETS RC questions ask you what the function of certain lines in passages are. If you haven’t stumbled into them yet during your practice, you will soon.
Also, IMO it helps facilitate a more useful understanding of what is going on in the passage by giving it some organized structure. Forces you to think about what’s actually happening. Also helps with ETS RC pattern recognition. My RC scores went from gutter-tier to decent in large part from simplifying on steroids
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Oh, I’ll practice properly then! Till now I didn’t have any proper motivation to do them except for Greg’s advice
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