Skipping is awesome, Greg!

Just wanted to say a big thank you, Greg.

I struggled a lot with timing. I’ve implemented the 2-skipping periods as part of my practice (from the Word Problem dedicated class). Having a procedure in place is awesome.

I think the biggest discovery was that when I got stuck on easy questions, my ego would just tell me ‘Common man, it’s easy. You can do it’. And then I would end up wasting 3 minutes on a task that with a clear head would take but a minute.

The second thing is that I have now 2x more time for practice. I stopped solving tasks, but rather determining if I can set up the equations, deduce information etc. That gives me additional time to move through more practice questions that I would’ve otherwise spent getting the answers right.

In my mind skipping used to be looking briefly at a problem and asking myself whether it’s easy or hard, whether I feel like it or not.
Now I think of it more like ‘do I have all the information I need’ / ‘am I lost in the problem?’.

It’s so powerful. Thank you!